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Steph Hutchison

  • Associate Investigator
  • Queensland University of Technology

Dr Steph Hutchison is an Associate Investigator of the Centre. Steph was awarded an Australian Network for Art & Technology (ANAT) Residency  which based her at ARM Hub over the second half of 2022.

Steph is a choreographer, performer and artist-researcher. At the Queensland University of Technology, Steph is a dance academic and leader for the Experimental Creative Practice research theme of the Creative Lab, and co-leader for the Ars Electronica Futurelab Academy. Her practice is driven by dance with a focus on endurance, extreme physicality and improvisation, and collaborations with motion capture, animation, robotics, haptics, and artificially intelligent performance agents. She has collaborated extensively on art, research, and industry projects with Deakin Motion.lab and John McCormick.

Steph’s current research builds upon her Physical Thinking Prototypes establishing processes, methods and systems for constructing dancing bodies and ways of thinking in the digital age. Physical Thinking Prototypes also provide a methodology for calibrating participants systems within the Ars Electronica Futurelab Academy at QUT – enabling, opening and creating potentials via embodied practice and experience.

Steph completed her PhD research at Deakin Motion.lab – meta: discourses from dancers inside action machines.

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