POSTED: 24 Jul, 2023
Members of the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Industry, Science and Resources visited ARM Hub on 24th July as part of their visit to Brisbane for the Department of Industry, Science, Innovation & Resources’ Developing Advanced Manufacturing in Australia inquiry public hearing.
The committee are visiting capital cities across the country as part of the inquiry conducting site visits as well as public hearings. During the visit, our team (including Postdoctoral Research Fellow Dr Melinda Laundon, Centre Director Professor Jonathan Roberts, Program co-Lead Associate Professor Jared Donovan and Lead Engineer Dr Dasun Gunasinghe) provided demonstrations of our projects with industry partners that highlight how important research and industry partnerships are for innovation.
The Committee (including: Chair Rob Mitchell and Deputy Chair Hon Michelle Landry, Alison Byrnes MP, Dan Repacholi MP, Henry Pike MP, Adam Mara, Lynley Ducker, and Ben Russell) were also given a tour of ARM Hub by CEO Cori Stewart and Senior Engineer Troy Cordie. Cori talked about the role of ARM Hub in supporting manufacturers across all stages of the advanced manufacturing journey, from the first step all the way to large scale innovation projects, supporting the creation of new services and industries across the sector as they go.
Finally, Ann-Maree Willett from UAP | Urban Art Projects gave a short tour of UAP. Ann-Maree spoke about the many benefits of investing in advanced manufacturing including the onshoring of jobs. From one small project alone, they managed to onshore 800 hours of work that would have previously gone overseas! UAP are also keen to share their experiences and support other Australian manufacturers in developing advanced manufacturing.
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