Baris Balci
- Alumni
- Queensland University of Technology
Baris was a PhD Researcher for Program 1 (Biomimic Cobots) until April 2024. He received his BSc degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from Ozyegin University in 2018. During his undergraduate studies, he was a research assistant at OzU Robotics Lab where he worked on medical robotics, haptics, and planetary rovers.
His current research interests include robotic manufacturing and physical human-robot interaction.
His thesis is entitled: Methods for Robotic Surface Finishing.
His project addresses the challenges of using industrial robots in the surface finishing processes of custom-manufactured goods. Unlike mass manufacturing, in which goods are produced in high volumes with relatively non-changing manufacturing processes, custom manufacturing needs to overcome frequent process changes to deliver different products. These changes create multiple challenges such as cell design and reprogramming for implementing robotics into custom manufacturing scenarios.
Surface finishing for custom-manufactured products currently relies on high-skilled human operators to achieve the required level of position and force accuracy for the desired outcome. The project has created prototype tools for easing the integration of industrial robots into custom surface finishing operations while combining the knowledge of the human operator and the physical capabilities of the industrial robots.
As part of his thesis, Baris published three papers. The first two are below with a third to come in the new year:
- B. Balci, J. Donovan, J. Roberts, and P. Corke, Optimal Workpiece Placement Based on Robot Reach, Manipulability and Joint Torques. In Proceedings of the 2023 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., United States of America, pp. 12302-12308.
- B. Balci, J. Roberts, J. Donovan, and P. Corke, Force Controlled Robotic Surface Finishing with Variable Tool Centre Point (TCP). In Proceedings of the 2023 IEEE 19th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., United States of America.
Barış originally started his PhD as part of the Innovative Manufacturing CRC (IMCRC) Design Robotics project with UAP | Urban Art Projects and ARM Hub (Advanced Robotics for Manufacturing). He had to pause his PhD for 2 years during the pandemic. When he returned, we were lucky enough to have him join our Centre.
Supervisors: Jonathan Roberts, Jared Donovan, Peter Corke
Baris is now working in Turkey and can be contacted via LinkedIn: Barış Balcı | LinkedIn
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