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Project 4.2: Preserving compliance during emergent behaviour in human-robot team scenarios

PhD Researcher

Project based at

Lead Partner Organisation


Preserving compliance during emergent behaviour in human-robot team scenarios 

As humans adapt and familiarise with their cobot teammates, emergent work patterns and behaviours are likely to evolve and be subject to change. Similarly, augmentations to the co-bots workflow patterns may emerge from AI-driven adaptations to the human operator’s own changing patterns and behaviours, or simply due to upgrades to the system, or changes to the underlying working conditions.  This presents the challenge of both balancing the need to maintain and monitor potentially stringent compliance requirements, while also allowing sufficient scope for the human-robot collaboration to adapt to the needs of the task, and to establish efficient collaborative workflows. This project will explore strategies to account for such needs and keep process outputs within the bounds of compliance.

Principal Supervisor: Dr Michelle Dunn

Associated Researchers

Michelle Dunn

Research Program Co-lead (Quality Assurance and Compliance)
Swinburne University of Technology
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Mariadas Roshan

Postdoctoral Research Fellow, (Quality Assurance and Compliance program)
Swinburne University of Technology
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Chris McCarthy

Chief Investigator
Swinburne University of Technology
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Mia B

PhD Researcher
Swinburne University of Technology
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