Skills for the Future: Policy and Practice for the Australian Manufacturing Industry
Manufacturing in Australia has been identified as an area of priority for policy actors, more so since the COVID pandemic where there has been a recognition that having a domestic supply chain can be necessary for national security and to ensure that Australia/Australians continue to thrive (Australian Senate Economics Reference Committee, 2022). A crucial issue for Australia to be able to develop the capacity to meet the skills needs of the manufacturing industry and in particular, advanced manufacturing, is an understanding of the skills required and developing pathways from education and training to jobs in the sector.
The study looks to provide insights into how policy shapes educational outcomes and pathways to work. It will provide both industry and educational institutions data on areas of challenge in preparing students for a modern workplace and identify possible models and pathways that support development of skills needed into the future.
This research project aims to provide a deeper understanding about the pathways to work in the manufacturing sector and provide critical understanding from a range of stakeholders to help develop effective policies and plans to meet future skills needs of an advanced manufacturing workforce.
PhD Researcher: Jacqueline Greentree
Principal Supervisor: Prof Paula McDonald
Associated Researchers